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Development prospects of instrument valve industry

Time: 2020-09-16

The instrument valve is a kind of pipeline accessory, which has been widely used to control the transportation of water, oil and gas and other media fluids, and has attracted the attention of market users. So what is the development trend of the instrument valve industry and what is the prospect of the instrument valve market?

After years of development, there are more than 6000 valve companies of various sizes. As a fluid transport component, in recent years, with the growth of the national economy, the valve industry has developed very rapidly.

From January to November 2007, China's valve and cock manufacturing industry achieved a total industrial output value of 84,288,398 thousand yuan, an increase of 31.47% over the same period of the previous year; realized a cumulative product sales income of 80,571,055 thousand yuan, an increase of 29.36% over the same period of the previous year; The total accumulated profit was RMB 5,772,097,000, an increase of 44.16% over the same period of the previous year. From January to August 2008, China's valve and cock manufacturing industry achieved a total industrial output value of 73,321,603,000 yuan, an increase of 27.02% over the same period of the previous year; realized a cumulative product sales income of 70,451,147,000 yuan, an increase of 27.27% over the same period of the previous year; achieved cumulative The total profit was RMB 4,470,009,000, an increase of 15.37% over the same period of the previous year.

During the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" and several years in the future, China's petrochemical, natural gas, metallurgical industries, electric power, urban construction and other industries have a large amount of demand for valves. It is expected that the total demand for valves in China will be Reached 34.5 billion yuan, therefore, the valve industry has a huge market development space. Therefore, the market prospects for instrument valves are very promising.

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